Download Free Annie on My Mind Audio Books

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Annie on My Mind Paperback | Pages: 234 pages
Rating: 3.98 | 39748 Users | 1969 Reviews

Itemize Out Of Books Annie on My Mind

Title:Annie on My Mind
Author:Nancy Garden
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Aerial fiction
Pages:Pages: 234 pages
Published:1992 by Farrar, Straus and Giroux (BYR) (first published July 1st 1982)
Categories:LGBT. Young Adult. Romance. Fiction. GLBT. Queer

Rendition Concering Books Annie on My Mind

This groundbreaking book is the story of two teenage girls whose friendship blossoms into love and who, despite pressures from family and school that threaten their relationship, promise to be true to each other and their feelings. The book has been banned from many school libraries and publicly burned in Kansas City.   Of the author and the book, the Margaret A. Edwards Award committee said, “Using a fluid, readable style, Garden opens a window through which readers can find courage to be true to themselves.”

Define Books To Annie on My Mind

Original Title: Annie on My Mind
ISBN: 0374404143 (ISBN13: 9780374404147)
Edition Language: English
Characters: Liza Winthrop, Annie Kenyon, Ms. Stevenson, Ms. Widmer, Mrs. Poindexter, Ms. Baxter, Chad Winthrop, Sally Jarrell, Jennifer Piccolo
Setting: New York State(United States)

Rating Out Of Books Annie on My Mind
Ratings: 3.98 From 39748 Users | 1969 Reviews

Criticism Out Of Books Annie on My Mind
If youll have a starter pack for F/F books I think this one is a must. A safe choice. F/F-YA is very delicate genre especially if youre just staring to figure things out. A lot of FF/YA can be a bit traumatic for me. But for this one, everything is just so light and balanced.Re-reading this for the nth time and like the very first time I read it, it always makes me smile.Now with the new edition. :))Highly recommend.

I'm not sure I'm qualified to write much of a review on this book, as I was never an adolescent lesbian. But I will say that it was incredibly easy to relate to--even for an adolescent hetero male--and the situation is touching, if not incredibly sad.Liza is a teenager who finds a companion in a fellow museum-goer one star-struck day. Cautious and excited, she pursues her romance, despite the fact that many around her do not seem to understand. Through the help of a teacher, she finds guidance

Annie On My Mind will always have a special place in my heart, it was the first lesbian themed book I ever read. You may not understand the enormity of this, but just try to understand being 14 and every book you read involves a romance between a man and a woman. Every movie, every TV show, everyone I know is straight, nobody knows I'm gay, I barely understand it myself, and I pick up this book and suddenly it's like I can breathe. Suddenly I don't feel so alone, there's an actual published book

3.5 stars.This romantic relationship is so organic. Liza and Annie fall in love with each other gradually and for the right reasons. Neither expected to feel so deeply for the other person, but they cannot deny their feelings for one another without breaking their own heart in the process, even if they both know people in their lives disapprove of them or would disapprove if they knew they were more than friends. They know society is against them, but still they decide to see where their

Lol. Just realised this was 6 years ago! đŸ¤­

First impression: UGH. I'd heard about the use of archaic words, but man a-live. Thankfully that went away after a while.More importantly, Annie bothered me. A lot. Who breaks into spontaneous Shakespearean character? Annoying Shakesperean character? I didn't get what it was about her that entranced Liza.But then everything changed. I realized the metaphor behind the Shakespeare, and eventually the two of them (Annie in particular) stopped doing it. They gradually became, as Annie said, "real."

Have you ever felt really close to someone? So close that you cant understand why you and the other person have two separate bodies, two separate skins?Oh my! This book hit me with so many different feels I didnt even understand what was happening to me. I mean I knew Annie on My Mind is an f/f romance and that it wasnt only banned from school libraries but also publicly burned at some point. I knew this book was published about 36 years ago and that Nancy Garden is a lesbian. I knew all this


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